Long hiatus after disturbed depressing story, yes... only to inform the world that I'm down with Pee-Noo-Monee-Yaa.... yeah, sulk sulk sulk....
This would be my second run-in with the wonderful ailment, one that I would not wish upon anyone.... but my eternally optimistic mind tells me that the only good thing to come of this is that I may come out of this a few kilos lighter!! :D
Pneumonia #1 happened to me 10 years ago (and with much more severity, actually!) and involved me staying in hospital for well over a month... Everyone who visited me, brought me chocolate, irrespective of the fact that I couldnt keep anything down at the time... my sister who came to the hospital to keep me company, would munch her way through my goodies.... and now im down with Pneumonia #2, and this time too, I have loads of chocolate in the house, AND a bottle of Baileys that I can only stare wistfully at till I'm done with the antibiotics.... sighhhhhhh......
My mom will be coming down to nurse me back to health, thank god for that! Serenity seems a little lost with me being so sick.... He's put me on house-arrest till I'm totally fine, which is really BLAH what with the christmas season and all .... i SO wanted to get a tree and do up the house this year... :( so many plans.... so now, I'm ordering christmas cards online, and hoping to sit and write them out so as to get them out at the decent time.... sometime before new years is fine with me !! :D
...and this is how I end the year, with lots of phlegm and snorts and snargles.... !!
compliments of the season to you, world!